Totul incepe de la o livada de lamai care, intamplator, se nimereste sa fie asezata tocmai pe granita ce separa teritoriile locuite de palestienieni de cele locuite de evrei in West Bank. Mai exact pe locul unde urmeaza sa fie construit un mare zid compact de beton intre cele doua regiuni. Si mai exact, in vecinatatea noii case a unui mare oficial israelian. Motiv pentru care brusc livada devine un "potential pericol". Ea poate adaposti teroristi si reprezenta o sursa pentru atentate. Deci se decide taierea ei.
Filmul urmareste rezistenta fata de aceasta decizie opusa de Salma Zidane, pentru care pomii sunt o mostenire de familie foarte pretioasa, plus unica sursa de venit. Pe parcurs, afli mai mult despre realitatile convietuirii dintre evrei si palestinieni decat in orice buletin de stiri cu atentate teroriste. Falsul zugravirii monocrome a conflictului devine rapid evident, la fel ca similitudinile vietii situate de o parte si de alta a zidului. Plus ca nu-ti poti dezlipi privirea de prezenta scenica a actritei ce o joaca pe Salma, ce reuseste sa lase o impresie coplesitoare aproape exclusiv prin tacere si discretie.
I couldn't understand a word of what you've wrote, of course. How about: did you like it or not? I watched it in January and had to write a story for a newspaper down here. For me it was so-so, maybe because I had high expectations. But I do enjoy that actress, go for her other movies!
Yes, she was really wonderful; I'll check some of her other stuff. Have you seen any?
And even apart from that, I thought the movie was pretty good because it reveals so much about how people in that area deal with the conflict, and it does that without the propaganda and artificial dramatization you get in the news.
And yes, I should start repolishing my English (thanks for constantly reminding me :D), esp. since I'm writing a freaking thesis in this language :)
What's new on your side of the pond? How's the wandering going? :)
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